Jack Ruch | Harmony Basics & Melodic Soloing | Guitargate

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Jack Ruch | Harmony Basics & Melodic Soloing

Jack Ruch gives a guitar masterclass on connecting chord tones through triads. Michael Palmisano introduces Jack and explains how viewers can interact through the live stream platform. Jack demonstrates a chord progression in C major and talks about analyzing the chords and scales that fit. He emphasizes playing chord tones from triads to connect melodically between chords. Jack takes questions from viewers and brings some on screen to demonstrate concepts in more depth.

Throughout the masterclass, Jack stresses the importance of practicing chord tones from triads systematically to internalize chord changes. He shows how to visualize triads on the fretboard and move between them fluidly. Viewers learn how focusing on triads first allows them to add scale ideas later while staying connected to the harmony. The interactive format allows for real-time discussion and examples to clarify techniques for soloing melodically over chord progressions.

Transcript Summary

Introduction (0:00-5:07)

  • Michael introduces Jack and explains the live stream format
  • Jack plays a chord progression in C major and improvises over it
  • Technical issues with backing track are discussed

Analyzing chord progressions (5:07-10:57)

  • Jack explains how to analyze a chord progression by identifying the key and diatonic chords
  • This progression uses chords borrowed from the relative minor key
  • Playing pentatonic scales over the chords works but is limiting

Using triads (10:57-27:18)

  • Jack demonstrates visualizing triads on the fretboard in different positions
  • He shows how to connect triad shapes between chords smoothly
  • Practicing triads systematically helps internalize chord changes

Question from Luke P (27:18-34:01)

  • Jack discusses how and when to incorporate blues elements into melodic soloing
  • The blues scale works better in small doses to add flavor rather than as a foundation

Question from Mr. Tonic (34:01-47:05)

  • Jack explains practicing with triads alone for clarity at first
  • Embellishments like scales are added later while staying connected to the chords

Perhaps you remember seeing the video above titled “THIS MAN is my favorite guitar player in the world right now.”

Well nothing has changed. Jack Ruch is quite simply THE player I’m aspiring to become, and he embodies EVERYTHING that I try and teach on Guitargate.

From his buttery lines and perfect voice leading - to his beyond tasteful chord tone soloing - Jack is quite simply astounding.  And he absolutely KILLS live. A total professional & Nashville staple, Jack will be teaching you all of the things that he uses in real life, each and every night. You know: TRIADS, CHORD TONES, & MELODIES!

Subscribers get access to Jack's and all our pro masterclasses.