Fretboard Freedom | Guitargate

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Fretboard Freedom

In this masterclass, Guthrie Trapp shares his insights on the essence of musicality, emphasizing the importance of treating music as a universal language beyond genres. He begins by reflecting on the challenges of the past years and his determination to make the current year count. Guthrie stresses the significance of a positive mindset and the role of the guitar in achieving personal fulfillment and creativity. He shares personal anecdotes, including his performances and projects, to highlight how real-life experiences influence his approach to music and teaching.

Guthrie delves into the technical aspects of guitar playing, focusing on the concept of 'fretboard freedom.' He advocates for a holistic view of music, urging students to move beyond categorizing sounds into specific genres and instead, understand and embrace the interconnectedness of musical expressions. Guthrie argues against the compartmentalization of music into blues, country, rock, etc., and encourages viewing it through an "eagle's eye view" as a singular, cohesive entity. This approach, he suggests, fosters a more authentic and versatile musicianship.

The masterclass is filled with practical advice, from Guthrie's philosophy on life and music to specific techniques for guitar playing. He warns against the pitfalls of getting too caught up in technicalities like modes and scales without understanding the music's underlying emotions and messages. Guthrie emphasizes the importance of listening and being present in the moment to truly express oneself through the instrument. By sharing his journey and insights, Guthrie aims to inspire guitarists to pursue their unique voice and approach music with an open, genre-blending perspective.

Transcript Summary

  • Introduction and Mindset (00:00-05:25)
    • Guthrie discusses overcoming technical issues and the importance of a positive mindset.
    • Reflections on the challenges of the past year and the determination to make the current year better.
    • The power of the mind in controlling emotions and thoughts to stay focused on goals.
  • Personal Updates and Engagements (05:26-08:30)
    • Guthrie shares his recent activities, including gigs and a trip to Mexico with his family.
    • He mentions upcoming shows and the excitement for the new year.
    • Discussion on the success of the past years and looking forward to continued growth.
  • Fretboard Freedom Focus (08:31-12:00)
    • The importance of viewing guitar playing and music from a broader perspective, beyond specific genres.
    • Guthrie emphasizes the need to play music in a way that's true to oneself, across various genres.
    • He criticizes the limitation of thinking in terms of genre-specific licks or techniques.
  • Philosophy on Music and Learning (12:01-16:00)
    • Insights into Guthrie's approach to music as a universal language, not confined to specific styles or patterns.
    • The importance of listening and being musically expressive over relying on modes and scales.
    • Encourages a thoughtful approach to playing, emphasizing expression and connection over technical noodling.

These are the people out there doing it each and every night, at the very highest level.  To say Guthrie Trapp is one of the best guitarists alive doesn’t even begin to set the stage.  A true, old school, take it or leave it head cutter, Guthrie is no BS.

Guthrie is going to cut through all the fluff and show you the stuff that really works in the music world - the stuff that he uses day in and day out on the heaviest gigs - with the heaviest players - in the world.

Subscribers get access to Guthrie's and all our pro masterclasses.