Essential Chord Change: 1-V7 | Guitargate

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Essential Chord Change: 1-V7

In this masterclass, Guthrie Trapp dives into the essence of chord changes and their significance in music creation. He emphasizes the importance of understanding recurring chord relationships, which he believes are fundamental to navigating music. By exploring these relationships, Guthrie aims to provide viewers with a tangible skill set that transcends mere theory, enabling them to recognize and utilize these patterns in various musical contexts. His approach is grounded in practical application rather than abstract learning, making the lesson accessible to musicians at different skill levels.

Guthrie uses a specific chord progression as a teaching tool, demonstrating how to arpeggiate through chords elegantly. He highlights the transition from an E chord to a D7 and back, illustrating the tension and release inherent in this movement. This exemplifies the broader concept of how understanding the underlying structure of music can enhance playing and improvisation. Guthrie's teaching style is conversational and infused with anecdotes, making complex concepts more relatable. He stresses the importance of listening in music, drawing parallels between good conversation skills and musical collaboration.

Throughout the masterclass, Guthrie also touches upon his personal preferences and experiences, offering insights into his musical journey and influences. He candidly shares his thoughts on various music styles and artists, underscoring the subjective nature of musical appreciation. The masterclass is not just a technical lesson but also a reflection on the artistry and personal expression in music. Guthrie encourages viewers to find their own voice and tribe in the vast world of music, emphasizing the value of authenticity and emotional connection in creating and experiencing music.

Transcript Summary

  • Introduction and Weather Chat (00:00:00 - 00:02:03)
    • Guthrie discusses the weather in east Nashville, mentioning recent snowfall and sledding activities.
    • He mentions a cancelled show with John Oates due to weather conditions.
    • Reflects on how snow and ice affect Middle Tennessee.
  • Guitar Talk and Personal Stories (00:02:04 - 00:10:55)
    • Guthrie introduces his 1969 335 guitar, sharing its history and personal value.
    • Talks about acquiring the guitar through Victor Krauss's recommendation.
    • Shares anecdotes about the guitar's significance and connections to other musicians.
  • Essential Chord Changes Masterclass Introduction (00:10:56 - 00:36:45)
    • Guthrie introduces the masterclass topic: essential chord changes, focusing on recurring chord relationships.
    • Emphasizes the practical use of understanding these chord changes for guitar players.
    • Illustrates the concept using the relationship between the G major and D7 chords, explaining the theory behind dominant chords.
  • Practical Music Theory and Listening Skills (00:36:46 - 01:00:46)
    • Explains the Nashville Number System and its relevance to learning music.
    • Stresses the importance of listening skills and ear training in music.
    • Discusses the application of music theory to real-life playing situations, using the G major scale as an example.
  • Advanced Chord Progressions and Arpeggios (01:00:47 - 01:10:55)
    • Delves into more complex chord progressions, highlighting the use of dominant 7 chords.
    • Provides examples of arpeggiating through chord changes to create melodic lines.
    • Emphasizes the importance of understanding and hearing chord tones within progressions.
  • Music as a Language and Professional Advice (01:10:56 - 01:18:55)
    • Draws parallels between music and language, emphasizing communication and listening.
    • Shares personal opinions on various musicians and musical preferences.
    • Offers professional advice on being a good listener and musician, relating personal experiences and frustrations.
  • Conclusion and Future Plans (01:18:56 - 01:20:41)
    • Concludes the session with a recap and teases future topics.
    • Encourages feedback on his new website and promotes upcoming music projects.
    • Emphasizes the continuous learning journey in music and the importance of genuine engagement.

These are the people out there doing it each and every night, at the very highest level.  To say Guthrie Trapp is one of the best guitarists alive doesn’t even begin to set the stage.  A true, old school, take it or leave it head cutter, Guthrie is no BS.

Guthrie is going to cut through all the fluff and show you the stuff that really works in the music world - the stuff that he uses day in and day out on the heaviest gigs - with the heaviest players - in the world.

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