Dom7 Chord Importance | Guitargate

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Dom7 Chord Importance

This masterclass focuses on the importance of the dominant seventh chord in music. Guitarist Guthrie Trapp begins with an overview of chord inversions and chord shapes across the fretboard. He emphasizes learning chord positions to understand how chords are connected.

Trapp then dives into the dominant seventh chord in detail. He explains how it pulls the ear to the major third of the next chord. He demonstrates exercises to target the major third using arpeggios and scales over different chord progressions. Trapp also discusses how to incorporate minor and major pentatonic scales over dominant seventh chords.

In the second half, Trapp takes questions from viewers. He provides examples of lines and licks that incorporate bending notes and blue notes over dominant seventh chords. Trapp also discusses mode mixing by stealing lines from related major and minor scales. Throughout, he stresses compartmentalizing the fretboard and understanding chord tones.

Transcript Summary

Introduction [0:00-5:20]

  • Overview of chord inversions and chord shapes across the fretboard
  • Emphasis on learning chord positions to understand chord connections
  • Dive into dominant seventh chord details

Dominant Seventh Chord Focus [5:20-25:30]

  • Explains how dominant seventh chord pulls ear to next chord's major third
  • Demonstrates exercises targeting major third using arpeggios and scales
  • Discusses incorporating minor and major pentatonic scales over dominant seventh chords

Q&A Session [25:30-end]

  • Provides examples of lines incorporating bent notes and blue notes over dominant seventh chords
  • Discuses mode mixing by stealing lines from related major and minor scales
  • Stresses compartmentalizing fretboard and understanding chord tones

These are the people out there doing it each and every night, at the very highest level.  To say Guthrie Trapp is one of the best guitarists alive doesn’t even begin to set the stage.  A true, old school, take it or leave it head cutter, Guthrie is no BS.

Guthrie is going to cut through all the fluff and show you the stuff that really works in the music world - the stuff that he uses day in and day out on the heaviest gigs - with the heaviest players - in the world.

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