CAGED System w/ 1-4-5 | Guitargate

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CAGED System w/ 1-4-5

This masterclass provides an in-depth look at the CAGED system for guitar. Guthrie Trapp discusses the importance of proper hand positioning for navigating the neck and playing changes. He demonstrates exercises for visualizing chord shapes across the fretboard using 1-4-5 progressions in each position.

Trapp stresses the importance of really knowing the CAGED shapes so they become second nature. He shows how chord tones like the root, third, and fifth connect the shapes and allow you to play over changes. Trapp also discusses reoccurring chord relationships and gives examples of moving between chords like D minor to A7.

Throughout the masterclass, Trapp emphasizes developing an "ear for the changes." He encourages slowing exercises down to really hear how notes resolve over different chords. Trapp also talks about exploring different musical genres to build vocabulary. While providing useful exercises, he stresses the importance of critical thinking and independent practice.

Trapp takes questions from viewers and provides additional tips, like being a "third hunter." The masterclass ends with Trapp promising to share more stories and lessons learned from professional musicians.

Transcript Summary

Introduction (0:00-2:47)

  • Discusses importance of CAGED system as fundamental guitar concept
  • Emphasizes proper hand positioning for navigating neck
  • Stresses really knowing CAGED shapes to play changes comfortably

CAGED Shapes and Connections (2:47-7:40)

  • Demonstrates 1-4-5 exercises across fretboard in each position
  • Shows how chord tones like root, third, fifth connect the shapes
  • Encourages visualizing chord shapes repeating across neck

Playing Over Changes (7:40-13:42)

  • Gives phrasing exercise examples to hear chord resolutions
  • Discusses reoccurring chord relationships like Dm-A7
  • Emphasizes developing ear for chord changes and connections

Questions from Viewers (13:42-22:05)

  • Provides additional tips in response to questions
  • Stresses importance of critical thinking and independent practice
  • Promises to share more lessons from professional musicians

These are the people out there doing it each and every night, at the very highest level.  To say Guthrie Trapp is one of the best guitarists alive doesn’t even begin to set the stage.  A true, old school, take it or leave it head cutter, Guthrie is no BS.

Guthrie is going to cut through all the fluff and show you the stuff that really works in the music world - the stuff that he uses day in and day out on the heaviest gigs - with the heaviest players - in the world.

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